Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Loosing a Favorite Chihuahua Sweater Sucks... I Know!

If you've ever owned a favorite chihuahua sweater for your little pup, then either lost it or had it unravel or it was destroyed in some way, I feel your pain. I've lost my fair share of favorite doggy sweaters for my chihuahuas over the past few years, and it's a little annoying.

Especially when you find one that's super cute on your little dog and it's adorable and you really like it, it can be mildly upsetting when you loose it! 

The good news is that at the Chihuahua Shop, we have very high quality chihuahua sweaters you can browse and purchase, and we make the whole process as easy as you can imagine for you.


Head on over to the Chihuahua Shop, check the sweaters out, and I'll be back again soon with the latest news from the Chihuahua fashion world.

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