Saturday, May 7, 2011

Costumes for Dogs: A Sign of The Universe's Humor

I recently wrote a mostly-for-self-amusement commentary on costumes for dogs that I think people who like this blog will enjoy.  

How many of us have seen this: you're walking down the street, you turn the corner, and there walking down the street with his owner is a dog in a dog costume!?  Living in the city, I see this at least once a month and it's always a source of great personal amusement for me and then later on the people I recreate the scene for with my account of the moment ;)

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who looks at this and doesn't chuckle...

Media_httpwwwinquisit_jjpay comedically dead, lol.

If you liked the article and are wondering where you might find some small breed dog costumes of your own, I found a good store for them here:

Speak soon!

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