Sunday, May 8, 2011

Using Chihuahua Clothes To Socialize Your Little Dog, Part 2

I had another discussion with a chihuahua clothes adoring friend about finding puppy clothes for cheap and then using them to help socialize your dog.  Check out that article I linked to there for the rest of the story!  I think it will open a few people's eyes.  Friends of mine know I love my chihuahua clothes and dressing Namaste up in all her little adorable costumes, but when it comes to socializing a puppy, that is something that will have a profound effect on the rest of her life and as such, I take it seriously.  In some cases, I think using small dog clothing on your dog can help aid your socialization efforts, but other times this might not be the case: when kids are around, for example, having a little dog in training that is wearing cute clothing will often make the children want to touch and pick the dog up, which the little dog can find overwhelming and make him want to nip and bite in defense.  If this happens a few times, the dog can learn that as a strategy for keeping herself safe for the rest of her life, and that can be a very hard thing to undo later on!  If you're interested in dog training and giving your little dog a good life, I highly suggest you read the article: chihuahua clothes as a socialization tool


Speak soon!

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